Sealing Washer Installation Problems
Sealing Washer problems are generally associated with either the installation technic or the Sealing Washer product being unsuitable for the application.
Buildex® self-drilling fasteners are designed with features to suit a wide number of applications and materials and it is important that they are used correctly. Refer to the product data sheets for the suitable product for the intended application and the Installation Instructions. It is recommended to use a Driver Tool with a clutch and a minimum power rating of 600W with a minimum of 1500rpm. If a Mains Powered Drill, a Cordless Impact Driver Tool or a Cordless Drill is used care needs to be taken not to over tighten the fastener or damage the painted product during installation.
Sealing Washer problems are generally associated with either the installation technic or the Sealing Washer product being unsuitable for the application.
The range of Smooth Top and Hex Head Truss and Framing Fasteners problems will be encountered when using these screws outside, the length and size of the fastener recommendations for the compatible thickness of the steel frame sections.
It is recommended when installing a Multi and Chipboard Fastener into steel that the length and size of the fastener must compatible with type and thickness of the timber and the thickness of the steel.
When installing the Dec-King Fastener into timber or composite board into timber the fastener must compatible with type and thickness of the timber. The Dec-King Fastener is not suitable for installing into steel structures, for installing into steel structures use the Dec-King Steel Fastener.
When installing a Wing Teks Fastener into timber or composite board into steel that the length and size of the fastener must compatible with type and thickness of the timber and the thickness of the steel.
Installations problems with T17 product into cladding are usually the installation technique or the T17 product being unsuitable for the application. Stainless Type 17 Fasteners should not be used to fix cladding other than aluminium, or be used to thru cladding into pre-drilled holes into metal. The result will be a non-functional connection.
Installations problems with T17 product into cladding are usually the installation technique or the T17 product being unsuitable for the application.
Installations problems with Metal Teks product into cladding are usually the installation technique or the Metal Teks product being unsuitable for the application.
Installations problems with Zips product are usually the installation technique or the Zips product being unsuitable for the application.
Driver Bit problems are generally associated with either the incorrect driver bit being used for the fastener drive or by use or a worn driver bit.